Are you a foreigner in Budapest?

If you are a non-Hungarian young parent in Hungary, life might not always be easy for you.
Many Hungarians cannot speak English, and it is not easy to learn Hungarian for foreigners either. This fact can make you a little depressed and lonely some days, but we recommend you to keep on trying to mingle.
Are you looking for a child-friendly and family-focused English program? It would be essential for you and your kids in Hungary to have fun and develop core skills together.

Have you heard about Rhyme Time bilingual music groups?
The Rhyme Time method focuses on English as a second language; music, rhythm, body movements and parent-child bonding are the main pillars and they offer you classes and tons of home activities in English.
Rhyme Time (0-3 years) and Jump & Fun (3-8 years) early English music classes are special opportunities to meet local & expat English-speaking mothers with babies and/or toddlers.
If you want to be a part of a great group where a mom and a child can both improve and find new friends, come and join these awesome classes near you.
The Rhyme Time team supports you in many ways: What, how and when to use English if it is not your children’s dominant language. How to make friends?

If you are interested in this great opportunity, check Rhyme Time website below. It is full of free materials about bilingual raising and English learning in a playful, enjoyable way at home and in classes:
Hungarian version:
Facebook page:
They have classes all around Budapest and in its suburbs. Popular locations in the countryside are available!
You can find their timetable here:
Here you can read some of the hundreds of positive recommendations:
“Motivating family English learning; full of love, full of children, full of emotions, full of the most beautiful international language, I mean full of music with an IT background related to the 21st century! We really love it, and are very grateful to be part of it!”
“Wonderful team, professionalism, loving hearts, inspiring books, motivating challenges, great classes, strong community: that’s what you are, and that’s what we can get from you. Thank you for doing this!!!”
„Get you self confidence boosted by Barbi to teach your kids Engish at home 😉 „
Rhyme Time classes are special opportunities to meet local & expat moms with babies or toddlers who want to raise their kids in English as well! If you want to be a part of our great group where mom and child both find new friends, come and join us!
Our program is a good opportunity even for those mothers who are not familiar with English nursery rhymes and games but want to learn more about them. Songs and cuddling stimulate learning and children have a fun and active time with clapping, wriggling, tickling, jumping, and stamping!

Even when sitting down, all the songs have actions to keep fingers and minds busy. During our fun, lively sessions we use traditional and modern English songs and nursery rhymes teaching a basic English vocabulary including numbers, colours, animals, body parts, movements, and more.
This way little ones learn actions even before they can sing or speak. Later the songs help early counting and remembering lyrics will help when they start nursery and school.